Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Forums are up!

   Huzzah! After a bit of a mess, the SL forums are up and ready to roll! Thanks to Nabble for providing the free, embeddable forum!
...Of course, there's hardly anything to do on them yet. But here's how you can sign up for the the forum:

1: From the SL homepage, click on SHARD Forums.

2: This'll take you there. In the upper right-hand corner of the window, you'll see a option labeled register. (Or, if you've ever signed up for a Nabble forum, click login.)

3: You'll need to provide a username, email address, and password.

4: That's it! You can customize your account but for now there's virtually nothing to see or post. Hang in there for now!

But cool, no? Thanks to the Helplogger blog, which provides many good tips to improve Blogspot blogs!

Later, Skaters!

Monday, June 1, 2015

New page, plus upcoming forum!

   ...So. Gud news! Vedy vedy gud news.

...Vat ees this gud news, you ashk?

SHARD Labs is getting two news pages! Whoopee! First, a new QUBE page will be added, dedicated just to said project, and secondly, SL is getting a forum!

...Stay posted!